Journal of Clinical Gynecology and Obstetrics, ISSN 1927-1271 print, 1927-128X online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, J Clin Gynecol Obstet and Elmer Press Inc
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Original Article

Volume 12, Number 3, December 2023, pages 78-83

Transabdominal Ultrasound-Guided Tube Drainage of Pelvic Collection Following Obstetrics and Gynecological Surgery: Is It Safe and Effective?


Table 1. The Patients’ Data, Ultrasound Echogenicity, Admission Data, and Laboratory Investigation
SD: standard deviation; Min: minimum; Max: maximum; Hb: hemoglobin; US: ultrasound; WBC: white blood cells; PLT: platelet.
Age (years), mean ± SD (Min - Max)33.36 ± 8.35 (21 - 56)
  < 30, n (%)20 (38.46%)
  ≥ 30, n (%)32 (61.53%)
Previous cesarean section (CS)
  No CS, n (%)13 (25)
  1 - 3 CS, n (%)31 (59.6)
  > 3 CS, n (%)8 (15.4)
Previous ectopic pregnancy, n (%)3 (5.8)
Comorbidities, n (%)12 (23.1)
Type of operation
  CS, n (%)28 (54)
  Laparotomy, n (%)16 (31)
  Laparoscopy, n (%)7 (13)
  Ovum pickup, n (%)1 (2)
Onset after operation: mean ± SD (Min - Max)11.2 ± 6.8 (2 - 27)
Echogenicity of US
  Homogenous, n (%)18 (35%)
  Heterogonous, n (%)34 (65%)
Number of locules
  Unilocular, n (%)40 (77%)
  Multilocular, n (%)12 (23%)
Size of mass by US (mm2), mean ± SD (Min - Max)70.71 ± 59.9 (18 - 360)
Nature of aspirated fluid
  Serous fluid, n (%)4 (8%)
  Pus, n (%)41 (79%)
  Hemorrhagic tinged with pus, n (%)7 (13%)
  No bacterial growth, n (%)4 (8%)
  Gram- bacilli, n (%)38 (73%)
  Gram+ cocci, n (%)10 (19%)
Duration before admission after onset, mean ± SD (Min - Max)3.6 ± 2.2 (0 - 13)
Time of hospital admission after operation, mean ± SD (Min - Max)14.6 ± 7.3 (4 - 30)
Time of intervention after diagnosis, mean ± SD (Min - Max)4.1 ± 2.4 (1 - 10)
Laboratory investigations
  Hb (g/dL), mean ± SD (Min - Max)9.26 ± 1.08 (6.70 - 12.10)
  WBCs (× 103/mm3), mean ± SD (Min - Max)10.24 ± 2.87 (5.00 - 20.40)
  PLTs (× 103/mm3), mean ± SD (Min - Max)301.29 ± 138.55 (119.00 - 744.00)


Table 2. The Association Between Patients’ Data and Outcome
Demographic and obstetric dataOutcomeP value
Resolved (n = 46)Failed (n = 6)
*P < 0.05. SD: standard deviation; US: ultrasound.
Age (years)
  < 30, n = 2019 (95.0%)1 (5.0%)0.387
  ≥ 30, n = 3227 (84.4%)5 (84.4%)
Cesarean section (CS)
  No CS, n = 1312 (92.3%)1 (7.7%)0.564
  1 - 3 CS, n = 3128 (90.3%)3 (9.7%)
  > 3 CS, n = 86 (75.0%)2 (25.0%)
Ectopic pregnancy
  Yes, n = 4944 (89.8%)5 (10.2%)0.313
  No, n = 32 (66.7%)1 (33.3%)
  Yes, n = 128 (66.7%)4 (33.3%)0.021*
  No, n = 4038 (95.0%)2 (5.0%)
Type of operation
  CS, n = 2826 (92.9%)2 (7.1%)
  Laparotomy, n = 1612 (75.0%)4 (25.0%)0.216
  Laparoscopy, n = 77 (100%)0 (0%)
  Embryo ovum pickup, n = 11 (100%)0 (0%)
Echogenicity of US
  Homogenous, n = 1815 (83.3%)3 (16.7%)
  Heterogonous, n = 3431 (91.2%)3 (8.8%)0.651
Number of locules
  Unilocular, n = 4035 (87.5%)5 (12.5%)
  Multilocular, n = 1211 (91.6%)1 (8.3%)1
Size of mass by US (mm2), mean ± SD70.65 ± 63.6271.17 ± 15.940.984
Nature of aspirated fluid
  Serous fluid3 (75.0%)1 (25.0%)
  Pus36 (87.8%)5 (12.2%)
  Hemorrhagic tinged with pus7 (100%)0 (0%)0.586
  No bacterial growth3 (75.0%)1 (25.0%)
  Gram- bacilli9 (90.0%)1 (10.0%)
  Gram+ cocci34 (89.5%)4 (10.5%)0.751


Table 3. The Association Between Admission Data, Investigation, and Outcome
VariablesOutcomeTest of significanceP value
Resolved (n = 46)Failed (n = 6)
*P ≤ 0.05. Hb: hemoglobin; WBC: white blood cells; PLT: platelet.
Onset after operation10.63 ± 6.7115.83 ± 6.3t = 1.790.078
Duration before admission after onset3.63 ± 2.323.67 ± 1.03t = 0.0370.970
Time of hospital admission after operation14.00 ± 7.1619.0 ± 7.53t = 1.600.116
Time of intervention after diagnosis4.04 ± 2.414.17 ± 2.31t = 0.1180.906
Duration of hospital stay7.39 ± 1.7916.50 ± 2.13t = 3.020.004*
Hb (g/dL)9.33 ± 0.958.78 ± 1.85t = 1.1680.248
WBCs (× 103/mm3)9.97 ± 2.8912.37 ± 1.65t = 1.9760.05*
PLTs (× 103/mm3)284.9 ± 128.9409.0 ± 199.7t = 2.0770.043*