Unusual Cause of Uterine Perforation Secondary to Methylene Blue Chromopertubation After Hysteroscopic Septum Resection
In the present case uterine perforation during the laparoscopic tubal passage control after hysteroscopic resection of septum is presented. Hysteroscopic septum resection by monopolar loop resectoscope was performed after laparoscopic confirmation of the diagnosis of a septate uterus in a 27 year old, gravida 1, spontaneous abortion 1 woman. The vaginal septum was resected safely. When chromopertubation was done with methylene blue under laparoscopic control, the uterus was perforated. The perforation was sutured by laparoscopic intracorporeal suturing. Performing choromolaparoscopy after hysteroscopic resection of uterine septa may cause uterine perforation. Hemorrhage from the perforation can be managed by laparoscopic intracorpereal suturing.